Great one, The problem is the king! He is bored. He is restless. He needs to get out of Shal Korva so I can get some of the work of the throne completed. I know that this sounds like some form of babysitting... but there is a prophecy.
Yes! Yes that will do. A prophecy that I heard from Master Ormdurm. No, no it was that Ogre fellow in the Cosmic Steppes! The Great One must accompany the king and keep him out of trouble. Or at least alive.
Will you do it, Great One? Khar may not be the best king, or Titan as he insists being called. But he's not the worst.
Upon completion
I didn't realize that keeping out of trouble would be so expensive. The kings wealth is mostly in sheep, it's the safest investment in the Wilds. And they are still leading them out of that crystal jungle. But I suppose that the death of Teth Hummama sends a message to the people that their Titan fights to break the Great Wheel.
Wait... Who is this Mergen Junior? Why do I have to appoint him Minister of Kebabs?