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King for a Day

Level : 18

Zone : Freemarch

Start : Unknown

End : March Warden Denegar

Choose one of these rewards :
 Hauberk of the March
 Robes of the March
 Tunic of the March
 Breastplate of the March

Notoriety :
+1000 Freemarch Wardens

Money : 8 47

XP : 3960

King for a Day

Display March Edge before the Idol of Regulos in The Iron Fortress to summon Jakub the Iron Tyrant. Follow Jakub through the portal and kill him.


The destruction of Jakub's Altar has purified March Edge, the sword of Freemarch's Kings. Wielding this symbol before that of Jakub's new master will force a confrontation. Use March Edge before the Idol of Regulos, then kill Jakub the Iron Tyrant.

Upon completion

You have done it. You have destroyed Jakub and released Freemarch from his grasp. The people of Freemarch are forever in your debt!

friimynd - 9 years ago
to start this, get the quest 'towers ablaze' from the marchwarden denegar at denegar's stand, then you click the altar after doing the quest and it gives you the king quest, iirc . you have to just do the denegar quest chain to get to the right one
MarshallB - 6 years ago
From Jorun on RiftGame.com: King for the Day is part of "The Saga of the Endless" lore questline. You'll need to start the series or pick up from where you left off. The first is "The Saga of the Endless: A history of Conflict" which is in the Ark. You are asked to look at the memory imager where you first learn about Alsbeth role in Freemarch. You probably did this. The second is "The Saga of the Endless: On the Shores of Freemarch" which is located to the left of the destroyed bridge to Silverwood in the gully. There is a log, tree and small bushes down by the water. You'll see the green quest icon. It's a letter that you right click to receive quest, then take the letter to Asha Catari in Meridian. Then it begins by accepting quests from Faceless Man, Rahn (next to Asha, Sylver in the room with the rotating orbs next to crafting area and completing King for a Day by ending Jakub's rule which deals with The Iron Fortress. The third is "The Saga of the Endless: Tombs of Old" is simultaneous with the above dealing with Iron Tombs and assisting Uriel with the quest Cutting off Communications. In order, you receive what you need for each part. There are 29 parts to The Saga of the Endless that take you up through level 50. Of course, some parts may consist of several sub quests, too. The rewards begin a blue then quickly go into murple ones. This is what many people called the epic questlines. So if interested, begin where you stopped which I suspect is "On the Shores of Freemarch" which is why you can't get the King for a Day quest. And to get that, you need to follow the Warden's questline into The Iron Fortress. Good adventures to you.

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