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Leaving the Door Open

Level : 70

Zone : Vostigar Peaks

Start : Scout Martin

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Notoriety :
+250 Uttila Resistance

Money : 7 34 72

XP : 3116400

Leaving the Door Open

Deactivate Legion's Seismic Scanners and allow Ahnket Simulacrums to infiltrate base.
  • Shut off Seisimic Scanners


The Legion has finished its early warning system to detect burrowing Ahnket drill transports approaching the Tenon research facility, which will allow them to focus more on their new weapons being developed. Let's make sure they have to keep their attention divided. Go and disable the Legion's early warning system for Ahnket's drill transports.

Upon completion

The warning system is down, and Tenon Fortress is going to be busy with other problems for awhile.

bobalazs - 6 years ago
In Vostigar Peaks find Scout Martin at 3471, 1990 for dailies.

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