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The Dead Ringers

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

End : Dragomir Rakovic

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

Notoriety :
+700 Order of Mathos

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

The Dead Ringers

Dragomir Rakovic would like you to kill Sotham the Broken, Gorlush the Untamed, and Kassarin the Spurned in the Endless Citadel.


The nobles who gave their souls to Regulos are damned, but I can't wait for the Vigil to exact their vengeance. Storm the Endless Citadel, and destroy Sotham the Broken, Gorlush the Untamed, and Kassarin the Spurned!

Upon completion

You've done what is right, [%Name]. Sotham the Broken, Gorlush the Untamed, and Kassarin the Spurned should have helped protect Mathosia, but instead they sided with Regulos. Thank you putting those despicable traitors to death.

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