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No Rest

Level : 70

Zone : Vostigar Peaks

Start : Scout Tygus

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Notoriety :
+250 Uttila Resistance

Money : 7 34 72

XP : 3116400

No Rest

Find and Kill Captain Rufio


Ascended, a Storm Legion Commander has developed a new strategy that he plans to use on the Ahnket Army. While we don't know what he's planning we do know it is something Crucia herself has approved. You must find and Kill Captain Rufio before he has a chance to execute this plan.

Upon completion

While losing Captain Rufio may have hurt the Storm Legion immensely, it was the only way to ensure balance between the two faction remains. Well done Ascended.

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