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A Chancel Encounter

Level : 30

Zone : Iron Pine Peak

Start : Watcher Gregor

End : Lord-Protector Nerval
Lord-Protector Nimto

Notoriety :
+50 Icewatch

Money : 8 40

XP : 2040

A Chancel Encounter

Lord-Protector of the Icewatch has invited you to the Chancel of Labors, headquarters of the ancient order of the Icewatch.


Lord-Protector of the Icewatch extends an invitation to speak with him at the Chancel of Labors, the center of our order. He would like to meet the hero about whom he has heard so much. The Chancel sits on far eastern edge of the great Cloudbourne Tarn.

Upon completion

Ah, [%NAME], I am glad you were able to accept my invitation. I have reports from some of my men in the field that you have shown great valor on our behalf in the name of the [%FACTION_PLURAL].

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