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The Finer Points of Leather

Level : 20

Zone : Meridian

Start : Jace Prisco

End : Jace Prisco
 Recipe: Fine Leather

Money : No value

XP : 0

The Finer Points of Leather

Jace Prisco wants you to bring him Medium Leather and Heavy Leather.


The process I'm going to teach you is simple. It will allow you to take the best snippets from otherwise average hides, and sew them together into a much better piece. Unfortunately, the process is a little tricky, and chances are you are going to go through a fair bit of leather to learn it. As you'll understand, you'll have to bring your own materials. Gather them up, and let me know when you're ready.

Upon completion

Not a bad showing at all. Once you've mastered this technique, you'll have no problem sprucing up leathers like these into a new, more elegant material that people will be dying to wear.

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