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Constructing an Army

Level : 65

Start : Winachuk Maguk

End : Winachuk Maguk


Constructing an Army

Winachuk Maguk has set up training camps to transform his service constructs into war machines. Gather up these forces to battle the Gurg.
  • Speak to Adriana Weaver at the Endless Citadel, Stillmoor
  • Locate Construct Trainees
  • Kill Endless Court Commandos
  • Speak to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point, Ember Isle
  • Speak to a Construct Trainee in Breaker Point, Ember Isle
  • Speak to Atrophinius in Hailol, The Dendrome
  • Locate the Construct Trainees at Hive Az'Zgez
  • Kill Reprogrammed Trainees
  • Locate the Construct Trainees in Fetid Plains, Seratos
  • Confront Construct Trainees
  • Speak to Finric in Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef
  • Kill the Spinefin Thresher


I'm the leading provider of service and transport constructs, but there are great opportunities in defense. Every time you opened a new landmass, I used that occasion to set up training facilities to prepare some of my machines for combat, and you're just the [%man_woman] to lead them into battle. We're all counting on you. Gather up these forces and crush our foes!

Upon completion

None of my Construct Trainees are combat ready? All that time and money wasted for nothing! But wait - have you checked the status of my Planetouched Wilds Trainees?

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