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Fishing For Survival

Level : 1

Zone : Silverwood

Start : Kelly

End : Kelly
 Recipe: Speedy Shark Snack
 Blue Widemouth
 False Shark

Money : No value

XP : 0

Fishing For Survival

Fish up Blue Widemouths and False Sharks for Kelly in Argent Glade.


I see you like to fish, [%NAME]. Have you tried cooking any of your fish into food? I can teach you many recipes. There's one recipe I'll make you prove yourself for, though: the Speedy Shark Snack. Show me that you can fish up the Blue Widemouths and False Sharks used to make this dish, and I'll give you the recipe.

Upon completion

That's a lot of fish! It looks like I can trust you with this recipe, [%NAME]. Save it until you have the Survival skill to use it. In the meantime, you can learn other recipes from me that will help you increase your skill in Survival.