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Research Assistant

Level : 70

Zone : Vostigar Peaks

Start : Scout Martin

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Notoriety :
+250 Uttila Resistance

Money : 7 34 72

XP : 3116400

Research Assistant

Assist the researchers in their experiments and steal the data.
  • Gain a legion disguise
  • Assist the scientists in their research
  • Steal the data


Let's see who else is on the list of Legion trouble makers. Ah, Ascension Researchers Astenell. She has been working on replicating the Ascension methods of the Defiants, and based on the reports, she is starting to make some headway. We cannot allow her to succeed. While in disguise, go to Tenon Fortress and speak to Astenell. Help her with whatever she is working on, then steal the data. There is a Legion Disguise Generator located next to me.

Upon completion

You have gotten the ascension data. Now you can make sure it never sees the light of day.

Razwind - 7 years ago
You need to be in disguise for this quest (the whole chain actually). Visit Scout Martin at 3481, 1998 to get the disguise if you need it again
Grit - 6 years ago
How to do this quest? In the Russian version game there is no text when talking. Only "error: log not found..." Can anyone make a video of the quest?

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