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Into the Hunt

Level : 31

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Mila Kresimera

End : Vol Spiridon

 Kain Hunting Token

Notoriety :
+100 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 5 34

XP : 1050

Into the Hunt

Mila Kresimera has asked you to talk to Vol Spiridon at Kain's Command about joining the local hunt.


Here for the hunt, [%class]? Tell Vol Spiridon at Kain's Command I sent you, and he'll get you in the competition and even give you your first token. If you find a trophy-worthy beast, don't hesitate to claim the prize. You can sign up for the hunt later.

Upon completion

Mila Kresimera sent you? He sure is bringing in a lot of new hunters for us, almost too many. But a deal's a deal, so here's a token. Mind you, it ain't worth spit if you're not on my hunt, so let me know when you want to join.

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