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No New Tale to Tell

Level : 32

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Bohem Maroboduus

End : Marshal Kain

Choose one of these rewards :
 Ancestral Cape
 Disrupting Shawl
 Glorious Undertakers' Shroud
 Courageous Cloak

Notoriety :
+100 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 5 65

XP : 1080

No New Tale to Tell

Bohem Maroboduus asks that you travel to Kain's Command and deliver the Collection of Remnants to Marshal Kain, commander of the 12th Sanctuary Guard.


Marshal Kain of the 12th may be able to divine the nature of these remnants. Kain's an Ascended like yourself. He fought in the Mathosian War under Prince Zareph, and was alive when Lord's Hall was a thriving dwarven city. If anyone can tell us what these are, he can.

Upon completion

These came from that undead-infested dwarven hold? Bohem is a fool, but luckily he sent you to me. These remnants are from the shattered remains of Aedraxis himself! I will reflect on what that means to my mission here.

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