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Cracking the Secret

Level : 40

Zone : Runic Descent

Start : Brother Damon

End : Brother Damon

Choose one of these rewards :
 Spiritbound Chain Hauberk
 Diamond Thread Robe
 Ghost Walker Tunic
 Soul Etched Plate Cuirass

Notoriety :
+250 The Runeguard

Money : 33 60

XP : 7920

Cracking the Secret

Brother Damon asks that you destroy the spirits within the Rune Vessels scattered around Runic Descent.
  • Defeat Rune Cracked Spirits


Alsbeth has desecrated these gardens and she seeks to uncover the secret of Dwarven rune magic. The Guardians would destroy this ancient power, which is why we must capture its secrets before they wipe it from the face of Telara. The knowledge is protected by three ancient elementals, bound to Runic Descent as deadly guard dogs. Defeat these spirits so that I can recover the secrets they protect.

Upon completion

I knew I picked the right [%CLASS] for the job, [%NAME]. With the spirits destroyed, I was able to recover the ancient etchings that will hopefully reveal the lost art of rune binding.

FlipperPA - 8 years ago
If you're trying to solo this quest for the Saga, don't beat your head against the wall. The first two shard locations don't appear to be able to be done solo. Go to the third shard location, where the lantern randomly spawns in blue circles (about halfway down the descent path). Stand by a blue circle, and click the lantern as soon as it randomly appears. Then kill the mob that appears, and you'll get credit for 1/3. Then simply mount up, exit the dungeon, reset, and do the same thing two more times. Then you'll be 3/3 and can move on without beating your head against a brick wall (unless you're into that kind of thing).
MarshallB - 7 years ago
I found that there was a safe spot just past the first location. I went to the specified spot and a blue circle appeared. Just behind the circle was a little space that I could stand in without getting hit. The lasers for the second location are now invisible and that makes it virtually impossible to do it. I'll follow FlipperPA's advice and just repeat one of the others.
AdetteKhetraa - 7 years ago
If you have the ability "Diffuse" you can use this to prevent you from being disrupted while breaking the Rune Vessel. This was how I was able to go through solo and not exit every time. It comes from being a Rogue Ranger though you have to have at least 44 points put into Ranger.
Drezden - 6 years ago
how do you reset

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