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Display of Power

Level : 31

Zone : Iron Pine Peak

Start : Lord-Protector Nerval
Lord-Protector Nimto

End : Watcher Natham

Choose one of these rewards :
 Vanquisher's Bow
 Patrician's Wand
 Patrician's Wand
 Conspirator's Cannon

Notoriety :
+600 Icewatch

Money : 17 80

XP : 4200

Display of Power

The Lord-Protector of the Icewatch asks you to display the Redsnow Chieftain's Head at the eastern entrance to Whitefall and then inform Watcher Gregor of the Storm Legion activity.


You must alert our garrison in Whitefall at once of this development. The involvement of the Storm Legion changes everything! Oh, and take this ghastly thing into town as well - put it on a pike somewhere so that all may see what fate befalls banditry.

Upon completion

Welcome, Ascended - you are a sight for sore eyes! Yes, cultists have taken over the ridge above, but they aren't the Storm Legion. These are the Abyssal, water cultists. What brings them here is anyone's guess.

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