Take our most sacred book, [%NAME]. Find the grave of Amunet, it will not be far from the gates of the prison that holds Greenscale. For she was the one to build it, and for her actions she was corrupted by the Destroyer.
Exhume her remains, a lich inhabits them now, and tortures her remnant for what she dared do to the divine dragons. Weaken the undead thing and then separate her remnant of storm, then the remnant of ice. Only then may the lich be slain and her spirit may rest.
Upon completion
You have done it, [%NAME]. These are all the tools used to imprison Greenscale the Primordial. We can now stop reacting to Hylas and the Aelfwar as they commit one heresy after another. Now we can strike at their god, like the heroes of old.