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A Mysterious Message

Level : 65

Zone : Planetouched Wilds

Start : Uureg

End : Mysterious Stranger

Money : 39 18

XP : 28050

A Mysterious Message

Uureg wants you to find the mysterious stranger who threatened the ritual of the Keeper.
  • Act Three Coming Soon


Great One, did Khar happen to mention anything about the Keeper of Radiance? Not much? Oh thank the Ancestors... I mean I'm so glad you are here. We received word that other aspects of Teth are planning on disrupting an ancient primalist ritual, a ritual that few know about. One of great importance. The message, demanded to meet you, Great One, in Woe. On the eve of the ceremony of the Keeper, no less. I suspect Teth and would risk no other mortal soul. Might I ask you to perform this one additional task?

Upon completion

You are the Great One? I thought you would be taller. No matter, as you can see, I am not Teth. In fact, now that we are back in Telara, I plan on breaking the Great Wheel. Did you ever meet the Dervish of the Wilds, Suns Gazaar? His life is in grave danger.