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Tracking the Endless Court

Level : 30

Zone : Scarlet Gorge

Start : Tam Daggerborne
Professor Whent

End : Ivan Coppertooth

Notoriety :
+50 Quarry Rats

Money : 5 4

XP : 1020

Tracking the Endless Court

Find Ivan Coppertooth inside the Foul Cascade to help him track down the traitor Alsbeth the Discordant.


Under orders of Alsbeth the Discordant, traitor of Port Scion, the Endless Court is scouring Scarlet Gorge for sourcestone to corrupt in their profane rituals. Now, Alsbeth has been seen in the Foul Cascade. Assemble a team and meet with Ivan Coppertooth to discover her plans.

Upon completion

Glad you made it! The Endless Court just came through, on their way to the rich vein of sourcestone farther in. It's guarded by earth demons known as gnar and their terrible queen. If the cultists defeat her, they'll have all the sourcestone they need to bring down the Ward!

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