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Fishing the Farhall Way

Level : 52

Zone : Ember Isle

End : Solya Karini

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Ember Isle Reward Bag

Notoriety :
+1100 The Farclan

Money : 33 85

XP : 5490

Fishing the Farhall Way

Solya Karini has asked you travel outside of Farhall and catch angerfish for their food stores.


[%NAME], you look like you need a break and I know just the thing! Go outside of Farhall and drink some Mush Milk and then use our Farclan Dynamite to catch angerfish. It's relaxing, you'll enjoy it.

Upon completion

Way to go, [%NAME]! I knew you'd be a good fisher, you have that look about you. Thanks for these fish, I'll send them to be salted, dried, and added to our stores.