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Man of the House

Level : 58

Zone : Morban

Start : Vulana Senviva

End : Vulana Senviva

Choose one of these rewards :
 Senviva Band
 Senviva Signet
 Senviva Hoop
 Senviva Ring

Money : 83 39

XP : 96824

Man of the House

To free Vulana Senviva, defeat Archduke Dren Senviva outside Vulana's home in Dead Pass.


As he cast me out, my father leveled a curse upon me so that I will never be at peace, neither in life nor in death. This curse will only be lifted if he is bested in combat, but my father has never been defeated. I have waited centuries, and finally you have come. Wielding my sigil, you have the power to strike down the Archduke and give my spirit peace. Will you do this for me?

Upon completion

You have broken the curse! My soul is at last free! Though the Soul Stream beckons me, I will stay here for a time to make certain the evils committed by my family are rectified. You will always have my gratitude for all you have done, [%Name], both for me, and for all the people once subjugated by House Senviva.