By Carcera's rocky backside! We have a cloud of capricious dragon whelps that will most likely be the death of us. Then fight each other to feed on our carcases. I don't think we can just get rid of them, Tasuil feels a deep sense of kinship with them, and we can't walk away, or the Tuath'de will use them in the very ritual we seek to prevent.
While I have great affection for Tasuil, I fear he leads us down the path to madness! Please Ascended, if you could lead this chattering horde of infants to the sanctuary of the boglings, I must have a long talk with my ward about how to be a prince.
Upon completion
I owe you one, Ascended. I am very serious, I will not forget this kindness you have done for me by taking those... little monsters.
Alas it seems this bogling village is not much better than that cave of whelps. It even smells similar. It appears that the boglings are willing to accept the dragons, eager even. But will they survive?