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Weapon Testing

Level : 70

Zone : Vostigar Peaks

Start : Scout Martin

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Captured Intel
 Celestial Remnant

Notoriety :
+250 Uttila Resistance

Money : 7 34 72

XP : 3116400


You see that Legion scientist up there? That is Mardoon, one of the lead weapon researchers for the Crucia, specializing in anti-Ahnket weaponry. I want you to go down there and see if you can test some of his new weapons. This will give us intel on what the Legion is cooking up and help to diminish the ranks of Ahnket. Make sure you use the Legion Disguise Generator located near me.

Upon completion

These weapons are amazingly effective. What is concerning is that these weapons would be just as effective against non Ahnket targets as well.

bobalazs - 6 years ago
In Vostigar Peaks find Scout Martin at 3471, 1990 for dailies.

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