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Our New Guardians

Level : 52

Zone : Ember Isle

Start : Borrin Gammult

End : Solya Karini


Our New Guardians

Borrin Gammult wants you to speak with Solya Karini at Farhall.


These next moments will be tense, [%name]. Will Solya admit that her Malgams were flawed? Does she believe in the true power and glory of the Vigil, and will she seek their blessing from now on? It is critical that we cement our alliance with the Farclan. This important diplomatic challenge rests with you, [%name].

Upon completion

I should be angry with you, Guardian. You forced your way into our affairs and exposed the flaws in our most sacred of traditions. Still, I have come to accept your heart, tenacity, and might. I declare you to be an honorary [%Race] of the Farclan. Because of you, we have become Guardians, our eyes wide open to the light of the Vigil. You are forever welcome on Ember Isle. Go, with the blessings of the Vigil upon you.

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