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Khromas the Eternal

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

Start : Unknown

End : Natalija Pavlica

Notoriety :
+800 Order of Mathos

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Khromas the Eternal

Bring Khromas' Iron Plate to a member of the Order of Mathos in Stillmoor.


You've taken a trophy from a rare creature you encountered while adventuring in Stillmoor. A member of the Order of Mathos will be interested to hear you've helped rid their homeland of one of the dangerous, corrupted beasts that plague the countryside.

Upon completion

A plate from the titan's armor? Yes, I recognize the design. Your heroism will not be forgotten, [%CLASS]. The Order of Mathos thanks you.

zinbasel - 8 years ago
supposedly from another site "Khromas the Eternal is a huge giant guarding The Endless Citadel in Death's Approach. He is standing still at 1300, 2640." But I teleported around and still can't find.

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