I, General Stanig, sealed Hammerknell's doors when the shade infected our home. If you are seeing this message, I have failed to protect the outside world from the horrors within. Now, there is only one hope. Locate the Heir of Hammerknell, as they are the only one capable of wielding the rune magic of our ancestors.
There are those who would twist this power, so to protect the chosen one, I left clues to their identity scattered throughout Telara. Find these Rune Tablets and protect the Heir so they can reopen the doors of Hammerknell and defeat the evil which I could not.
I pray that whoever receives this message has the mettle to undertake this task, for the fate of the world now rests on their shoulders.
Upon completion
What do you mean I'm the chosen one!? I only just joined the Runeguard, and now I'm expected to tap into the lost art of rune magic to open Hammerknell, allowing all manner of horrors to burst free?
I need to sit down...