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Workorder: Sunstone for Quicksilver College

Level : 7

End : Quartermaster Molira

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)
 Artisan's Mark

Notoriety :
+400 Quicksilver Scholars

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Sunstone for Quicksilver College

Craft Tin Bars and collect a Sunstone for Quartermaster Molira at Quicksilver College.


The scholars of Quicksilver College have sent a workorder for 5 Tin Bars and 1 Sunstone. Quartermaster Molira mentioned something about experiments, but didn't give me many details. If you are curious, I would ask her when you deliver the goods.

Upon completion

Thank you, Ascended. I've had a few impatient scholars pestering me for the last few hours about when this shipment would arrive. I'm glad I can finally put them at ease.

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