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Ascended of the Highest Quality

Level : 1

Zone : Terminus

Start : Sylver Valis

End : Dacia Ultan

Money : 12

XP : 450

Ascended of the Highest Quality

Travel through the doors of the Life Factory and speak with Dacia Ultan.


Just look at you! You are a marvel of science! My finest work, if I do say so. As much as I would love to run tests on you, there is no time. The end of the world waits for no [%man_woman]! We must get you through Orphiel's Failsafe and back to the past. Go on with you. Head out the door and speak with Dacia! She can get you on your way to the Failsafe!

Upon completion

[%NAME]! I expected you sooner! Did Sylver keep you standing around so he could marvel at his own cleverness? By my ancestors, you would think that Kelari didn't realize our defenses were falling to Regulos one by one.

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