Though... Perhaps all my bluster about the nature of primalism is just that, hot air. Zal could be right, maybe it is just as simple as leaving the Wilds for Telara. Though I fear in my heart she is not.
But maybe we should try it? I'm conflicted now. Once I was so sure of the path my life was to take, and I had the confidence of that certainty. Now... I'm so confused.
Let's go to the shores of the Wilds, to Painite Coast, and see if we can leave.
Upon completion
Ascended! I told you not to get involved in this matter. I begged you! You were supposed to be the Great One! And instead you bring the Great Wheel itself to my city.
How dare you! Wretch! You think you can flaunt our traditions, our culture, our very way of life? We bahmi have survived for centuries battling this demon. And you think this little girl and that traitor will break the Great Wheel?
Sorry, I don't know what came over me, I think it was stress. Too many unspeakable catastrophes are happening at once. You are more than welcome to take shelter here in Shal Korva. Please don't set me on fire.