We may have locked horns before, Ascended, and I am sure we will again, but right now I have work to do. I... gather my strength through the year. My minions and I rest, making sure that when the Harvest comes we are ready.
You are welcome to wander my Realm and do what needs to be done, or bring Autumncap Fungi from around Telara to my minions . If you assist me, I will reward you with the riches of the Fae. The bounty of the land is meaningless if no one reaps it! But there is always more to do.
Upon completion
You are welcome to wander my Realm and do what needs to be done, or bring Autumncap Fungi from around Telara to my minions . If you assist me, I will reward you with the some Autumnal Pinatas so you can see the riches of the Fae.