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Workorder: Blood Berylite for the Iron Claw Trappers

Level : 29

End : Miron Ledino

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)
Choose one of these rewards :
 Artisan's Mark

Notoriety :
+400 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Blood Berylite for the Iron Claw Trappers

Craft Chromite Bars and collect Blood Berylite for Miron Ledino at Kain's Command.


This time, Miron Ledino is looking for a Blood Berylite for the Iron Claw Trappers' gem collection, along with the Chromite Bars they can use to set the stones. Miron Ledino thinks they may have some properties that help with trapping beasts.

Upon completion

Excellent, [%NAME]. If this Blood Berylite has the kind of magic I think it does, we'll trap more beasts with its use.

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