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Corrupted Queen

Level : 30

Zone : Foul Cascade

Repeatable : Always
Choose one of these rewards :
 Elder Chain Leggings
 Moon Silk Leggings
 Nightweave Breeches
 Titan Plate Greaves

Notoriety :
+500 Quarry Rats

Money : 20 16

XP : 6120

Corrupted Queen

Destroy the members of the Endless Court that have conspired to create a legion of corrupted gnar.


The Endless Court has conspired within this location to corrupt the gnar queen and hatch a legion of shadebound gnar. Kill those who are leading this effort, and the gnar queen they have bound.

Upon completion

The Endless Court members who were corrupting the gnar queen, and the gnar queen herself, have been subdued.

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