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Whaling Woes

Level : 65

Zone : Planetouched Wilds

Start : Uureg

End : Uureg

Notoriety :
+200 Shal Korva

Money : 1 56 69

XP : 412335

Whaling Woes

Though Uureg disapproves, the stress of saving the wilds work demands some time off for pure enjoyment. Join Khar on Usukhel's suggestion for a fun activity.


The Titan's Supreme Royal Adviser, that's that filthy Usukhel woman I hired you to stop, has requested your presence, Great One. The stress of driving the babaroo population into a frenzy and attacking the people of the Wilds, spreading disease, causing chaos, was too much for them. So they have declared that they are going to take a vacation, and requested your presence. She says, and I quote, "Usukhel want Great One have happy fun time. Ride the sky whale." Well I guess you should go, and I'll just stay here and deal with the mounting reports of rabies. Have fun.

Upon completion

You killed another one of Teth's forms! Ancestor's greatness! I take back all the unkind things I said about the three of you, behind your back, after you left. You are truly the Great One, here to break the Great Wheel and end our curse! Oh you didn't kill that aspect of Teth. You just angered and insulted her by throwing chunks of meat at her face? Well, then I stand by my previous statements.

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