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A Troll's Lunch

Level : 33

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Afanas Inna

End : Afanas Inna

Notoriety :
+400 Red Scar Trackers

Money : 14 90

XP : 3330

A Troll's Lunch

Afanas Inna wants you to kill Rakthug in Trollblight Caverns and collect Rakthug's Key.


Please help! I'm the last of those sent to find the missing villagers. The Aelfwar set upon us before we could react. They took the rest to be hooked up to those infernal machines, and it won't be long till they come for me. You must get the key from Rakthug!

Upon completion

That's the key! Thank you, friend. Now, all that's left for me is to fight my way through a horde of hungry trolls with just my bare hands... unless you'd be willing to help me one more time.

FlipperPA - 8 years ago
The quest can be picked up deep in Trollblight Caverns at 3197, 4659.Escort quest "The Secret Stairs" follows.
MarshallB - 7 years ago
This quest is only for Guardians.

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