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Level : 3

Zone : Mathosia

Start : Brother Jebiah

End : Brother Jebiah



Brother Jebiah wants you to pray at the Altar of Bahralt and then banish Deathbound Thralls using the Dwarven Hammer.


We must begin severing Regulos's hold on this land. In the Lord's Hall, the dwarves often sought the power of Bahralt, god of the city, to aid us in banishing evil. I've imbued a hammer with the holy materials you brought me. Pray to Bahralt for his blessing, and then use his power to cleanse this town.

Upon completion

Hah! I could hear the fury of Bahralt smiting those fiends from here. You've honored the Vigil, [%NAME]. Now that the glory of Bahralt has been restored to this town, it is only a matter of time before we expel Regulos's corruption completely.