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To Catch a King

Level : 40

Zone : Moonshade Highlands

Start : Thomas Penthas

End : Abbess Katia
Money : 28

XP : 5280

To Catch a King

Thomas Penthas wants you to use the binding rituals to call forth the Attercop King in Blightweald, then use the Crystal Decanter upon his soul before his destruction.


The Attercop are a court of the faer folk who have fled from Hylas's tyranny among the faerie. The legendary satyr Gorvaht has turned them from Greenscale to Regulos. It has turned their capriciousness cruel and bloodthirsty. Take this summoning stone and the Book of Faer Binding. Go to Blightweald and draw forth the king of the Attercop. Imprison his weakened spirit if you can. Abbess Katia will know how to elicit the truth from him.

Upon completion

You always do bring me the most interesting prisoners, [%NAME]. A king of a fae court? Come; watch as I reveal the truth as I imprison his spirit.

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