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Into the Wyredode

Level : 65

Zone : Scatherran Forest

Start : Lance

End : Tasuil

Choose one of these rewards :
 Scatherran Girdle
 Wyredode Waistband
 Explorer's Belt
 Wyredling Waistplate

Notoriety :
+200 Feilbocan

Money : 2 35 81

XP : 4123350

Into the Wyredode

Enter the Forest of Wyrdode and meet with the Alpha Unicorn.
  • Meet Windflower in the Wyredode
  • Talk to Windflower
  • Visit the Glen of Friendship
  • Play with groups of young unicorns using /hug /dance or /silly
  • Visit the mushroom grove
  • Eat a Wyrewode Mushroom
  • Bind a Wyrdling Spirit
  • Go to the Dale of Serenity
  • Commune with the forest
  • Meet with Leofwine
  • Talk to Leofwine
  • Defeat Corrupted Leofwine
  • See if nearby unicorns are safe
  • Talk to Windflower
  • Gather Frightened Unicorns


This is dire, [%NAME]! If the Tuath'de are able to enter the forest Wyredode then they can hunt my herd! They can put us on the madstone! They can take our horns! These ancient lords of the fae power their magic with this kind of ritualistic sacrifice. This is not just terrible for my herd, but for all of us in Scatherran. But you must make the herd trust you first. You must show that you have joy in your heart, or at least are not as hateful as the Tuath'de. If you are accepted then you can lead the herd out of Wyredode and to safety. Search out the foal known as Windflower. She will show you the way.

Upon completion

Mael Salach has destroyed the unicorns at Wyredode! We have to do something! I didn't know how quickly he could corrupt them. I didn't realize it would be so fast. He murdered Leofwine, and then they were all corrupted. This- this is just too horrible. We have to take charge, [%NAME]! We have to defeat these Tuath'de. Not just wait for them to attack.