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Monster Hunter of Stillmoor

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

Start : Natalija Pavlica

End : Dragomir Rakovic

Choose one of these rewards :
 Knucklebone Wand
 Black Demise
 The Music Maker

Notoriety :
+800 Order of Mathos

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

Monster Hunter of Stillmoor

You have successfully hunted all of the rare and dangerous beasts of Stillmoor. Speak with Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph's Return to receive your well-earned accolades.


You've made quite a name for yourself as a monster-hunter, [%NAME]. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit jealous of your growing reputation. You should speak with Dragomir. I believe he would like to congratulate you himself.

Upon completion

I was quite impressed to hear that you'd slain every creature that the Order of Mathos was hunting. It seems our own monster hunters have a little something to learn from you. I salute your bravery, [%NAME]. The Order of Mathos is in your debt.

balrog_svr - 9 years ago
This quest is given by Natalija Pavlica only after you kill all unique spawn monsters in the area. So, kill all unique spawns, get the items from them and turn in the quests from the items to Natalija Pavlica. She will give you this quest after you turn in the last unique spawn monster killed item quest. I suggest yousing Quest Finder addon to identify all quests and complete them. /qfind

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