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Lord of the Fae

Level : 15

Zone : Silverwood

Start : Tristan Alecourt

End : Tristan Alecourt

Choose one of these rewards :
 Blessed Mantle
 Spectral Pauldrons
 Deadly Shoulderpads
 Ancient Spaulders

Notoriety :
+500 Quicksilver Scholars

Money : 5 25

XP : 2280

Lord of the Fae

Tristan Alecourt wants you to collect Faestone Signets from the Aelfwar Conspirators that can be found at Hedgerow Court. Then, use them to reveal and kill Makirn.


The fae steal children in the night and torture mortals for amusement. The worst is Makirn, the twisted cohort of Fae Lord Twyl. To learn what Hylas is planning with the Fae, we must kill Makirn to draw Twyl's attention. The Aelfwar carry Faestone Signets that can be used to locate this monster.

Upon completion

Fae Lord Twyl appeared, did he? And he admitted that he and Prince Hylas have made a pact? This is not good, [%NAME]. All of Silverwood is in danger.

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