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Workorder: Chromite Sabatons

Level : 29

Zone : Sanctum

End : Miron Ledino

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)
Choose one of these rewards :
 Artisan's Mark

You will also receive :
 Skilled Armorsmith Supply Chest

Notoriety :
+400 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : No value

XP : 0

Workorder: Chromite Sabatons

Miron Ledino wants you to craft Chromite Sabatons.


There is little left to the once great Scarwood Reach, the mighty forest was consumed by the tyrant to fuel his war efforts. Yet the Iron Claw Trackers persist in their aid to the Sanctuary Guard despite the devastation. A gift of Chromite Sabatons to Miron Ledino would help their members and our crusade.

Upon completion

Thank you [%NAME]. These Chromite Sabatons will aid our members in this ruined land.

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