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The Endless Broodmother

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

Start : Unknown

End : Natalija Pavlica

Notoriety :
+800 Order of Mathos

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

The Endless Broodmother

Bring the Broodmother's Brain to a member of the Order of Mathos in Stillmoor.


You've taken a trophy from a rare creature you encountered while adventuring in Stillmoor. A member of the Order of Mathos will be interested to hear you've helped rid their homeland of one of the dangerous, corrupted beasts that plague the countryside.

Upon completion

If you say this brain is from the Endless Broodmother, I'll just take your word for it. It certainly smells of her filth. The Order of Mathos thanks you for destroying that terrible creature.

zinbasel - 8 years ago
/setwaypoint 1303 2386 Be off your mount to get her to show. I had to teleport to a different shard to finally get her to show.

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