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Pain in the Ancestors

Level : 65

Zone : Planetouched Wilds

Start : Uureg

End : Uureg

Notoriety :
+200 Shal Korva

Money : 1 56 69

XP : 412335

Pain in the Ancestors

Uureg wants you to help Khar and Usukhel deal with the mystery cult that is inciting sedition and rebellion among the people of the Wilds.
  • Talk to Khar about the Rebellion
  • Question Furious Primalists
  • Travel to Pilgim Planes
  • Use the Argument Flag
  • Successfully Argue with Primalist Pilgrims
  • Watch Teth Dalchid's Coronation
  • Survive the Onslaught of Demons
  • Drive Teth Dalchid from the Mesas


Well "Great One", and I use that term ironically now, you can see what your actions have lead to. There is talk of rebellion in the streets of Shal Korva. The primalists of Ovog seem to have moved against Khar, and are denouncing him. Can you help quell this little insurgency? Perhaps. But I must say that the people have a point. Khar has done little actual ruling. You may go and try to help him put down this little mystery cult. But I am going to go and pack my bags in case a hasty retreat is called for. I refuse to be a scapegoat for Khar's fecklessness.

Upon completion

It was Teth behind the rebellion? I think I might have said some unkind things when last we spoke. And I would like to apologize profusely. I have been under a lot of stress. You can plainly see few others are willing to take on the soul crushing task of running Shal Korva. And clearly my only fault is wanting to help the Wilds. I suppose that is what the Great Wheel wants, someone to try to do the right thing and then punish them for it. I hope there are no hard feelings.