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Origin of Evolution

Level : 50

Zone : Stillmoor

End : Raj Tahleed

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Void Stone

Notoriety :
+2500 Students of the Vale

Money : 50 40

XP : 10080

Origin of Evolution

End the experiments of Duke Ellisar in the Stillmoor rift of Primal Evolution.
  • Find Duke Ellisar and put an end to his experiments.


Duke Ellisar of the Aelfwar has been conducting unusual experiments using energies from the Plane of Life. It has been reported that he is able to channel these planar energies into his test subjects and create horrific creatures. Bring his experiments to an end.

Upon completion

Ellisar was a powerful corruptor. His death will benefit us all. You've earned this sourcestone.

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