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Returned to the Rhenke

Level : 65

Zone : Tyrant's Throne

End : Sharf

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

Choose one of these rewards :
 Atragarian Decree
 Cerulean Rhenke Decree
 Manugo Decree
 Pelagic Order Decree
 Ghar Decree
 Onir Decree
 Shal Korva Decree

You will also receive :
 Void Stone

Money : 3 83 78

XP : 274890

Returned to the Rhenke

Sharf wants you to recover Skelf Coral Shards from skelf Auxilia Numeri.


Greetings chum. I am Sharf, from the sea of Njor. I am here to observe the usefulness of land meat to the skelf. You are here to do my bidding for treats. I would not believe it, but even skelf serve this Queen of Storms. It is not her powers over the mind, those have been lost with her original body. No, these skelf made the choice to pact to this not-skelf, not-dragon, not-water queen. They deserve to not-live. Yet still, there may be something good and holy within them. Go and carve it out of their bellies! The holy Coral Shard must be brought back to the Remains of Kamoho, so they may find rest easy away from these pact traitors.

Upon completion

You return with the coral from the bellies of those pact traitors. I assume you want praise. You have proved yourself generous by not eating much of those you kill. I will have the other members of the Rhenke carry these up the Tarken Ascent. Such a journey is not for me. I must remain here and ensure the world does not end by giving you minor tasks. A great philosopher once told me, "Even the greatest of leviathans can be killed by a thousand minnow bites." Then I bit off his face.

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