[%NAME], I have received word that Karris is at the Temple of Marakris. While it used to be an old Kelari temple, the Wanton have converted it into a dragonian training yard and a breeding ground for drakes.
You must go to the Temple of Marakris and confront Karris. I can trust no one else with this task as I am afraid it would demoralize my people to see the Wanton so strong. You have seen terrible things in your fight against the dragons and I feel you are strong enough to see this through.
Upon completion
That was quite a trip, eh? Thanks to your efforts at Marakris, we know that Karris has wrested control of the Malgams from the Farclan and intends to use them to release Maelforge from his prison.
Solya has not seen through our eyes. The stubborn lass is still convinced her Malgams are pure. We've got to stop her before Karris gains the power he needs to free his false god.