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Three Springs Blessing

Level : 36

Zone : Moonshade Highlands

Start : Talvar Methyn

End : Talvar Methyn

 Basic Healing Potion

Money : 6 96

XP : 1200

Three Springs Blessing

Talvar Methyn wants you to bless Three Springs and its people against the coming darkness by praying at the Western and Eastern Idols in Three Springs.
  • Pray at the Eastern Idol
  • Pray at the Western Idol


Ascended, something is not right with this town. I can no longer ignore the recent disappearances of our citizens, nor the evil noises heard from the north at night. I do not beg the gods lightly, [%class], but will you pray for the Vigil to bless Three Springs?

Upon completion

I heard cheering as the Vigil graced Three Springs with their blessing. The gods are clearly with us! Are you prepared to restore the honor of the dwarves and eradicate the blight plaguing this land?

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