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Storm Powered

Level : 50

Zone : Iron Pine Peak

End : Abbess Katia

Repeatable : Daily (Daily)

 Void Stone

Notoriety :
+2500 The Storm Inquisition

Money : 50 40

XP : 10080

Storm Powered

Recover the source of power from Adain of the Storm Legion Elite.
  • Kill Adain of the Storm Legion Elite


Adain, high officer of the Storm Legion Elite, is using a specialized power source to summon creatures from the Plane of Air. This source of power is extremely dangerous and must be destroyed. Find Adain and put an end to the leader of the Storm Legion Elite.

Upon completion

Well done! The death of Adain diminishes the power of the Storm Legion, and the hold Crucia has over them. You've earned this sourcestone.

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