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An Unwanted Assignment

Level : 20

Zone : Stonefield

Start : Kira Thanos

End : Kira Thanos

Choose one of these rewards :
 Ghostly Cape
 Lost Shawl
 Vicious Vipers' Shroud
 Titan's Cloak

Notoriety :
+400 Granite Falls

Money : 8 40

XP : 2880

An Unwanted Assignment

Kira Thanos has asked you to locate the unearthed artifacts in Titan's Rest that seem out of place and mark them for Uriel to examine.


Being dragged to Stonefield to look for antiques isn't really my idea of a good time, but the Faceless Man has his orders and we have ours. You look like you have some experience with this sort of thing, [%CLASS]. Maybe you can help Uriel find what we need.

Upon completion

Uriel told me you found some interesting things out there; something about deathtouched artifacts. She gets so excited about old pieces of rock. I'll never understand her. Regardless, we have what we came for. Now I can finally leave this place and get a more engaging assignment.

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