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Fine Fur

Level : 20

Start : Unknown

End : Jace Prisco
Money : No value

XP : 0

Fine Fur

You should talk to Jace Prisco in Meridian about this unusual hide you've found.


Through meticulous sizing and measuring, and maybe a little luck, you manage to obtain a pelt that shows no damage on a cursory inspection. You could probably garner at least a few compliments to your skill if you showed this to an experienced skinner.

Upon completion

Impressive, [%RACE], very impressive. From looking at you, I'd have never thought you'd be able to take a skin like this one, but here you are, and here it is. Tell you what, if you'll let me have it I'll teach you how to salvage, cut, cure and sew lesser hides into something almost as magnificent as this. How about it?

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