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Slave No Longer

Level : 35

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Unknown

End : Sir Isaak Kazimir

Notoriety :
+750 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 22 5

XP : 4680

Slave No Longer

Weaken Gnarlbone significantly and then use the Soul Prism to release the souls Doctor Visek has bound into this abomination. Gnarlbone and the Soul Prism are both in Doctor Visek's lab within the Blighted Pit.


In a spidery scrawl, Dr. Visek speculates that this latest experiment may finally be the key to resurrecting Aedraxis. The notes revolve around a flesh golem named Gnarlbone and the focusing of energies on a bound Soul Prism, likely the crystal shard on the nearby table.

Upon completion

[%LORD_LADY] [%NAME], if it were up to me, you would be feasted throughout the land for the heroism you have shown this day. By killing Doctor Visek, you have slain no common villain, but a key member of the Endless Court. No words of mine can express my gratitude adequately. All I can do is thank you, [%sir_madam].

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