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A Note of Concern

Level : 31

Zone : Iron Pine Peak

Start : Unknown

End : Watch-Commander Malik

Choose one of these rewards :
 Ancestral Cape
 Disrupting Shawl
 Glorious Undertakers' Shroud
 Courageous Cloak

Notoriety :
+300 Icewatch

Money : 13 35

XP : 3150

A Note of Concern

Take the Suspicious Note to Watch-Commander Malik, the commander of Icewatch Outpost, to warn him of the impending danger.


The parchment is covered with the maniacal etchings of an Abyssal cultist. Among the bloody runes one name is clear, Icewatch Outpost. If the Abyssal are plotting something in that stronghold, then the Icewatch needs to be alerted.

Upon completion

Your efforts to warn us, while appreciated, come too late. The Abyssal already mounted their offensive, and for the first time in over a thousand years, the Icewatch has failed to hold the outpost.

MarshallB - 7 years ago
The quest can be picked up at 3312, 2432.

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