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Excellent Devious Augment

Tradeskill : Outfitter

Difficulty : 300 310 320 330

Excellent Devious Augment

Outfitter (300)

Empyrean Planar Dust (6)
Strong Thread (5)

Taught by: Marco Fusilo
Zone: Cape Jule
Taught by: Bela Calzon
Zone: Kingdom of Pelladane


Excellent Devious Augment

Intelligence +9 Spell Critical Hit +12
Grants a bonus to both Intelligence and Spell Critical Hit when added to a crafted recipe. Appropriate for levels 50-60.
Item Level 120 Skill Level 300 Requires Level 50 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 301)
1 10
Recipe: Excellent Devious Augment
Tradeskill: Outfitter (300)

51 - 60 (6)60+ (1)

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